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Pediatric Surgery

Pediatric surgery is a subspecialty of medicine concerned with surgical treatments done on infants, children, and adolescents. This field encompasses various surgical interventions, addressing congenital and acquired conditions affecting young patients.


At Vachhani Speciality Care Hospitals , we proudly provide a comprehensive range of pediatric surgery treatments:


  • Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate
  • Hirschsprung’s Disease
  • Tracheoesophageal Fistula
  • Esophageal Atresia
  • Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
  • Intussusception
  • Puj Obstruction
  • PUV
  • Hernia And Hydrocele
  • Hypospadias
  • Cryptorchidism
  • Phimosis And Paraphimosis

Importance Of Pediatric Surgery

The significance of pediatric surgery lies in its ability to provide life-saving treatments and improve the quality of life for children facing complex medical challenges. Surgeons in this field possess unique skills and expertise as they navigate the delicate nature of operating on young, developing bodies.

Primary Objective Of Pediatric Surgery

One of the primary objectives of pediatric surgery is to correct congenital anomalies, such as cleft lip and palate, meningomyelocele, gastrointestinal malformations and emergencies ( like intussusception) , respiratory defects like tracheoesophageal fistula etc.If left untreated, these conditions can severely affect a child's growth and development and at times life as well. . Pediatric surgeons can rectify these abnormalities by employing advanced surgical techniques, allowing children to lead healthier lives.

Treatments & Procedures

Pediatric surgeons work closely with multidisciplinary teams, including pediatricians, anesthesiologists, and nurses, to ensure comprehensive and personalized care for each patient.

  • Advanced Technology

    Pediatric surgery constantly evolves, with technological advancements and surgical techniques enhancing patient outcomes. Surgeons may now execute complex surgeries with smaller incisions, less discomfort, and quicker recovery because of minimally invasive technologies like laparoscopy and endoscopy, which have completely changed the field.

  • Communication

    Operating on children requires a high level of patience, empathy, and adaptability. Pediatric surgeons must communicate effectively with young patients and their parents, ensuring they understand the procedure, risks, and expected outcomes.

    Pediatric surgeons are more than just regular surgeons who work on more minor patients. Their extensive education gives them the knowledge and surgical abilities to manage the unique challenges of operating on youngsters. Children's anatomy and physiology differ from adults, and their emotional and psychological needs must also be considered during treatment.

  • Family Friendly

    Furthermore, pediatric surgeons are experienced in providing compassionate care for their young patients and their families. They understand the anxiety and fear that can accompany surgical procedures, and they strive to create a safe and comfortable environment for children to undergo treatment. The expertise and dedication of pediatric surgeons are invaluable in ensuring the best possible outcomes for children in need of surgical interventions.

Why choose us

Pediatric surgery at our multispecialty hospital is a highly specialized field that offers advanced surgical care for infants, children, and adolescents. Comprehensive treatment options for a variety of illnesses, including congenital anomalies and traumatic injuries, are provided by our team of skilled pediatric surgeons.

We offer various services to meet our young patients' unique needs. This includes dialysis for both acute and chronic renal failure cases , as well as transplantation for those requiring organ replacement. We aim to provide compassionate care in a child-friendly environment, ensuring our young patients feel comfortable throughout their treatment journey.


Pediatric surgeons undergo additional years of specialized training specifically focused on surgical care for infants, children, and adolescents. They possess expertise in managing unique surgical conditions and deeply understand pediatric patients' anatomical and physiological differences.

Hypospadias is one of the most common congenital anomalies in male children, occurring in approximately 1 out of every 150 to 300 newborn boys. In this disease, the urethra's opening is situated on the underside of the penis rather than the tip.

Depending on the individual circumstances and general health of the patient, the recuperation period after nephrectomy for a Wilms tumor may differ. It typically involves a hospital stay of a few days to a week, during which pain management, wound care, and monitoring for any complications are essential. After discharge, regular follow-up visits and imaging tests are necessary after discharge to ensure proper healing and monitor for any signs of recurrence.

Hepatectomy, which involves surgical removal of a portion of the liver, is not as common as some other procedures in pediatric surgery. However, it is performed when necessary to address certain liver conditions or tumors in children. The procedure requires careful planning, specialized expertise, and close postoperative monitoring to ensure optimal outcomes for the young patients undergoing hepatectomy.